Sunday, 23 April 2017

Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 2

Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 2

  If you not yet watch the part 1 , please watch it first
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1

This the 2nd part of the relationship between   1 Byte, 2 Bytes, 4 Bytes, decimal, Hexadecimal, float, double, signed, unsign, 8 Bytes  and  string And these can be use as an easy way to convert between value of any type.

 i am using Cheat Engine version 6.6
Cheat Engine Tutorial - step 4


one 4 Bytes = two  2 Bytes
2 Bytes(A) show as hexadecimal
2 Bytes(B) show as hexadecimal

one 4 Bytes = four 1 Byte
1 Byte(A) show as hexadecimal
1 Byte(B) show as hexadecimal
1 Byte(C) show as hexadecimal
1 Byte(D) show as hexadecimal

 *note*   1 Byte and 2 Bytes usually use in emulator games
For emulator games, always start your search with 1 Byte unknow value change or not change, will have a better chance to find the address in a short time.

Here I take a quote from   FreeER atubeacct  :
Note that if you're working with emulators you may find that the bytes are not reversed, this is because the emulator is emulating a "big endian" system where the most significant bytes are stored first (just like you'rd normally write it in hex) rather than "little endian" (where the least significant bytes are stored first) like Windows uses.


one Float = one 4 Bytes

Float show as hexadecimal
 max hex = FFFFFFFF       ( 8 nos F )
hexadecimal will be reverse in code or memory

Float in 4 Bytes show as decimal unsign
Float in 4 Bytes show as decimal signed

Float show as decimal unsign
Float show as decimal signed

 ** note **
for a lot games, the value of hexadecimal is show in reverse format  "little endian".
Float show as hexadecimal will be reverse in code or in memory

for example hexadecimal 4365C79B = 229.7797089  Float in decimal
 but in memory and code it is  9B C7 65 43

it have been split into 4 parts = 4 bytes
1st part(byte) is put at  4th place at code/memory
2nd part(byte) is put at  3rd place at code/memory
3rd part(byte) is put at  2nd place at code/memory
4th part(byte) is put at  1st place at code/memory
for example
 hexadecimal C61A5229 = -9876.540039  Float in decimal
orginal hexadecimal  C6 1A 52 29      "big endian"
hex reverse in code  29 52 1A C6    "little endian"


 7F7FFFFF = 3.402823466E38, what is E38 ?

 E  is for very small number or very Big number
 so, just ignore it. Don't use it in code
for example
hexadecimal 5F9902F9 = 2.205129723E19  Float
hexadecimal FF7FFFFF = -3.402823466E38  Float
hexadecimal 80000001 = -1.401298464E-45  Float

Usually for  Float and  Double  just ignore E . Don't use it in code.

Float no E decimal max value is  9999998976 =501502F8
Float no E decimal min value is -9999998976 =D01502F8

All Float are signed, as you can see in the video  Float unsign and signed are the same.
Float in Cheat Engine are all signed, even for unsign will act same like signed
  so when coding the script, make sure use signed
  mov [esi+00000494],(float)5000
  mov [ebx+000003F0],(float)-5000

You can also just use the 4 Bytes value in coding the script
  mov [esi+00000494],(int)1167867904  // 5000 in Float
  mov [esi+00000494], # 1167867904   // 5000 in Float

  mov [ebx+000003F0],(int)3315351552  // (int)-979615744   //(float)-5000
  mov [ebx+000003F0],#-979615744   //  #3315351552   // = (float)-5000


**note**  These can be use as an easy way to convert between value of any type

this is episode 7   of  my Youtube video about Cheat Engine
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 2

click here to  Subscribe my  Youtube channel
Forge By Games ,  # ForgeByGames

I end my video here, this is part 2 , part 3 will be on the next video.
Stay tune in for the next part of the relationship between  1 Byte, 2 Bytes, 4 Bytes, decimal, Hexadecimal, float, double, signed, unsign, 8 Bytes and  string


  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames  - Cheat Engine Tutorial series
episode 1 :
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames

episode 2 :
How To Enable Disable Button Of a Program using Cheat Engine -ForgeByGames

episode 3 :
Cheat Engine Special Trick + How to write a special script when normal AOB fail

episode 4 :
Forge By Games -Easy find Base Address of Multilevel Pointers special trick using Cheat Engine

episode 5 :
Forge By Games - using 4 Bytes Unknow Search to hack most of the games with Cheat Engine

episode 6 :
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1

episode 7 :
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 2


Thank you !

  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames

Cheat Engine

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Subscribe my channel on YouTube!

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      Cheat the Game
I have learned a lot from here

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Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1

Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1

This time I will show the relationship between  1 Byte, 2 Bytes, 4 Bytes, decimal, Hexadecimal, float, double, signed, unsign, 8 Bytes and  string

 i am using Cheat Engine version 6.6
start point = 00400000
 end point = 0060AFFF

 If you want to learn How To Find start point and End point, you can watch my 1st video:
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames


 ** note **
for a lot games, the value of hexadecimal is show in reverse format.
4 Bytes show as hexadecimal will be reverse in code or in memory

Max hexadecimal in 4 Bytes = FFFFFFFF
7FFFFFFF+1 = 80000000

for a lot games the value of hexadecimal is show in reverse format
for example hexadecimal 00001388 = 5000 in decimal
 but in memory and code it is   88 13 00 00

it have been split into 4 parts = 4 bytes
1st part(byte) is put at  4th place at code/memory
2nd part(byte) is put at  3rd place at code/memory
3rd part(byte) is put at  2nd place at code/memory
4th part(byte) is put at  1st place at code/memory
for example
 hexadecimal 05E30A78 = 98765432 in decimal
orginal hexadecimal  05 E3 0A 78
hex reverse in code  78 0A E3 05


4 Bytes is integer , integer is number with no decimal point , code format =   (int)  or  #
 examble : 7.5 = integer 8 ,  7.4 =  7 integer , 0.499 = (int) 0 ,  -673.5 = #-674

4 Bytes show as hexadecimal
 ** note ** will be reverse in code and memory
 max hex = FFFFFFFF

4 Bytes show as decimal unsign
  max value 4294967295

4 Bytes show as signed
  min value is  -2147483648


2 Bytes show as hexadecimal
 ** note ** will be reverse in code and memory
 max hex = FFFF

2 Bytes is half of 4 Bytes
decimal unsign max value is  65535
decimal signed max value is  127
decimal signed min value is  -128


1 Byte show as hexadecimal
 max hex = FF

1 Byte is half of 2 Bytes , or 1/4 of  4 Bytes
decimal unsign max value is  255
decimal signed max value is  32767
decimal signed min value is  -32768

 *note*   1 Byte and 2 Bytes usually use in emulator games


**note**  These can be use as an easy way to convert between value of any type

this is episode 6   of  my Youtube video about Cheat Engine
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1
click here to  Subscribe my  Youtube channel
Forge By Games ,  # ForgeByGames

I end my video here, this is part 1 , part 2 will be on the next video.
Stay tune in for the next part of the relationship between  1 Byte, 2 Bytes, 4 Bytes, decimal, Hexadecimal, float, double, signed, unsign, 8 Bytes and  string


  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames  - Cheat Engine Tutorial series
episode 1 :
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames

episode 2 :
How To Enable Disable Button Of a Program using Cheat Engine -ForgeByGames

episode 3 :
Cheat Engine Special Trick + How to write a special script when normal AOB fail

episode 4 :
Forge By Games -Easy find Base Address of Multilevel Pointers special trick using Cheat Engine

episode 5 :
Forge By Games - using 4 Bytes Unknow Search to hack most of the games with Cheat Engine

episode 6 :
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1

episode 7 :
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 2


Thank you !

  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames

Cheat Engine

Don't forget to like the video.
Subscribe my channel on YouTube!

Oh yeah! To get more information,  Follow my blog

Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames    - FaceBook Page

Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames    - Twitter  tweet

Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames    - Pinterest  pin

Join us at FaceBook group
      Cheat the Game
I have learned a lot from here

Thanks for watching and reading this, now share it if you like it.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Tough Time Don't Last, Tough People Do.

The more wise a person is, the more are the chances of a tough past.

You are never without hope as long as you believe that every dream lost a new one will take it's place, for every problem a solution will a rise, like an angle watching over us, helps seems to materialize when you need it the most.

Sometimes life is hard. Even so in tough time. Life has a way of kicking us when we're down. And just when we think we can't fall any lower, we get kicked again. But it's important to remember that setbacks, failures, and tragedy are a part of life. Whether we manage to find joy and success in the daily struggle of life is largely dependent on our ability to persevere through even the toughest adversity without ever giving up.

If you're going through a rough time, reading some inspiring manga, uplifting quotes, watch some funny anime, play a simple and beautiful game can help you remember that life isn't always bad. These seemingly long stretches of fear, disappointment, pain, and heartache are just brief, insignificant moments of time that will pass.

                        Spring will come after winter

Here are some of the best inspirational quotes for difficult times to lift your spirits up:
Uplifting Quotes For Difficult Times

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."    -  Japanese Proverb

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope."    -  Martin Luther King

"Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today."    -  Thich Nhat Hanh

"The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity."    -  Ulysses S. Grant

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."    -  Kenji Miyazawa

"Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being."    -  Albert Schweitzer

"We should always pray for help, but we should always listen for inspiration and impression to proceed in ways different from those we may have thought of."    -  John H. Groberg

"Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing."    -  L.M. Montgomery

"A problem is a chance for you to do your best."    -  Duke Ellington

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."    -  Henry Ford

"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials."    -  Chinese Proverb

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."    -  Michael Jordan

"The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests."    -  Epicetus

"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines."    -  Robert Schuller

"Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains and strengthens it."    -  William Hazlitt

"Prosperity is not without many fears and disasters; and adversity is not without comforts and hopes."    -  Francis Bacon

"Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."    -  Leroy Satchel Paige

"The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them."    -  Unknown

"Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings."    -  Elie Weisel

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail."    -  Nelson Mandela

"It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed."    -  Doe Zantamata

"Tough times never last, but tough people do."    -   Robert H Schuller

"If it's not exactly like you thought it would be, you think it's a failure. What about the spectrum of colors in between."    -  Sara Evans

"I learned there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead, others come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see. Now my troubles are going to have trouble with me."    -  Dr. Seuss

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on."    -  Robert Frost

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."    -  James Allen

"Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them."    -  Publilius Syrus

"Man is fond of counting his troubles but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up, as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it."    -  Fyodor Dostoevsky

"Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit."    -  Napoleon Hill

"If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."    -  Mary Engelbreit

"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."    -  William James

"He knows not his own strength who hath not met adversity."    -  William Samuel Johnson

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars."    -  Og Mandino

"Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them. Have great dreams and dare to live them. Have tremendous expectations and believe in them."    -  Norman Vincent Peale

"Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out." -John Wooden

"To have darkness behind me, in front of me a bright sky, flickering lights on the water and to feel it on the stony face of the southern sun."    -  Julia Hartwig

"Use what you've been through as fuel, believe in yourself and be unstoppable!"    -  Yvonne Pierre

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it."    -  Jacques Prevert

"It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop."    -  Confucius

"The best way to get rid of the pain is to feel the pain. And when you feel the pain and go beyond it, you'll see there's a very intense love that is wanting to awaken itself."    -  Deepak Chopra

"Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want."    -  Jim rohn

"To succeed, you have to do something and be very bad at it for a while. You have to look bad before you can look really good."    -  Barbara DeAngelis

"I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders."    -  Jewish Proverb

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day, saying, "I will try again tomorrow."    -  Mary Anne Radmacher

"When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better."    -  Malcolm S. Forbes

"The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity."    -  Seneca

"In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive."    -  Lee Iacocca

The more wise a person is, the more are the chances of a tough past.

    We should always learn to remember that what counts in our lives is not the mere fact that we have lived but the difference we have made in other people's lives determines the significance of the life we lived. Tough Time will forge you, you will become tough and wise.

Forge By Games # ForgeByGames

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Forge By Games - using 4 Bytes Unknow Search to hack most of the games with Cheat Engine

Forge By Games - How to Cheat in games with Cheat Engine :  for example : Ori and The Blind Forest - Definitive Edition

I always start with 4 bytes unknow value search, even it take longer time to search. But,
by this way, I will be free from getting no result, then have to do another new search again.
For me, is better to get the result one time than 2 or 3 times.

Usually 4 bytes unknow value search with increase and decrease will work most of the times.
But for very hard to find value like position x,y,z for the game character's location,
 use  Float  unknow value search with changed and not change , will be a better choice.
Use  4  bytes  unknow value search with changed and not change , if the value is encrypted, example: Chicken Invaders 4 Ultimate Omelette.

in this video,  I will show you how to find unknow value using 4 bytes ,then convert it

also I will use a game I like lot to show it

Ori and The Blind Forest - Definitive Edition

  _ PC game 2015

 I am using Cheat Engine version 6.6

here the detail of my Cheat sample :
 Cheat Engine -Tutorial    x64 bit
Step 4: Floating points (PW=890124)

Now, the detail for
Ori and The Blind Forest - Definitive Edition

the health HP  is shown by orb, for now the max HP  is 3,
 but it's value is store in float and not count as 1 2 3.
   the game logic is:  float +4 = orb +1 ; so 1=4, 2=8 3=12    (very strange? huh?)
 I found it using  4 bytes unknow value search with increase and decrease ,then convert it,
form that I know it is a float value.

You need to get hurt first to activate the AOB script, the Array of Bytes code don't exit until you get damage of HP, but for this game getting hurt is the most easy thing, every where, anytime you can get hurt...  Haha, don't worries, you will survive.

I just want to show it's strange game logic here. Also I like this game a lot, I always like hand drawn art more than 3d art, animated , retexture to 2d like games always are my favourite.

Never AloneChild of Light  ,  Ori and The Blind Forest   are three of my favourite hand drawn like art games. Any game you like is hand drawn or retexture to 2d art ?

For all of you that are still reading this. Thank You !

Here I wish to thank  Steven Chapman  for his YouTube video
 Cheat Engine Tutorial_ How to Hack GameMaker Games
 This is how I learn about    fstp st(*)
Sometimes if the stack not pop as it should, will cause error.
pop the stack to none, is very useful , Thanks !

this is episode 5   of  my Youtube video about Cheat Engine
Forge By Games - using 4 Bytes Unknow Search to hack most of the games with Cheat Engine
click here to  Subscribe my  Youtube channel
Forge By Games ,  # ForgeByGames

my next video will be more detail for
4 bytes, integer, float, double, 8 bytes and string


  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames  - Cheat Engine Tutorial series
episode 1 :
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames

episode 2 :
How To Enable Disable Button Of a Program using Cheat Engine -ForgeByGames

episode 3 :
Cheat Engine Special Trick + How to write a special script when normal AOB fail

episode 4 :
Forge By Games -Easy find Base Address of Multilevel Pointers special trick using Cheat Engine

episode 5 :
Forge By Games - using 4 Bytes Unknow Search to hack most of the games with Cheat Engine

episode 6 :
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1


Thank you !

  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames

Cheat Engine

Don't forget to like the video.
Subscribe my channel on YouTube!

Oh yeah! To get more information,  Follow my blog

Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames    - FaceBook Page

Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames    - Twitter  tweet

Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames    - Pinterest  pin

Join us at FaceBook group
      Cheat the Game
I have learned a lot from here

Thanks for watching and reading this, now share it if you like it.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Go to sleep now! Rest is part of the game.

Gamer, Youtuber, Streamer go to sleep. Countinue on what you are working on after get enough of rest. Like games:  fill up your HP and MP first.
Sleep isn’t merely a time when your body shuts off. While you rest, your brain stays busy, overseeing biological maintenance that keeps your body running in top condition, preparing you for the day ahead. Without enough hours of restorative sleep, you won’t be able to work, learn, create, and communicate at a level even close to your true potential. Regularly skimp on “service” and you’re headed for a major mental and physical breakdown.

The quality of your sleep directly affects your mental and physical health and the quality of your waking life, including your productivity, emotional balance, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and even your weight. No other activity delivers so many benefits with so little effort!

Recently, Brian aka  PoShYbRiD , Twitch Streamer Dies During 24 Hour Charity Live Stream.

Here’s the known information about the incident so far, via a mod posting in PoShY’s Twitch chat:

Known info so far: Around 3:30AM CST Poshy said he was going for smokes and left the stream running, He never returned. around 11AM CST we were all still here assuming he had fallen asleep. around 19:00 Sorelor sees him online in discord and messages him. The person who responded identified himself as a detective and asked Sore to call him. Sore spoke with him, Called the Virginia Beach police department to confirm the detectives identity. The detective confirmed Brian had passed.

According to PVPLive: streamer PoShYbRiD has been found dead after a 24-hour streaming session for Charity on Twitch. It’s speculated that he died due to heart complications from severe sleep deprivation.

This guy made it 22 hours. RIP.
24-hour stream definitely are not healthy.

Sleep for Health

Sleep needs vary across ages and are especially impacted by lifestyle and health. To determine how much sleep you need, it's important to assess not only where you fall on the "sleep needs spectrum," but also to examine what lifestyle factors are affecting the quality and quantity of your sleep such as work schedules and stress.

If you’re getting less than eight hours of sleep each night, chances are you’re sleep deprived. What’s more, you probably have no idea just how much lack of sleep is affecting you.

How is it possible to be sleep deprived without knowing it? Most of the signs of sleep deprivation are much more subtle than falling face first into your dinner plate. Furthermore, if you’ve made a habit of skimping on sleep, you may not even remember what it feels like to be truly wide-awake, fully alert, and firing on all cylinders. Maybe it feels normal to get sleepy when you’re in a boring meeting, struggling through the afternoon slump, or dozing off after dinner, but the truth is that it’s only “normal” if you’re sleep deprived.

I would like to say it again "Gamer, Youtuber, Streamer! Go to sleep now! Rest is part of the game."

Forge By Games # ForgeByGames

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Friday, 17 March 2017

Forge By Games - Easy way to find Base Address of Multilevel Pointers using Cheat Engine

Forge By Games - Easy way to find Base Address of Multilevel Pointers using Cheat Engine

Base Address is static which means it will not change even after game restart, it will always be at the same place in code format. BUT, a lot of games values are dynamic Address not static, they will change a lot : after loading, after restart, after ... after ...somethings; so the code you found will just work for short while. To deal with this problem, you need to write a script (AOB or code injection) or find the value  Base Address. With Base Address you can just simply edit the value anytimes, save and reuse it again with Cheat Engine.


if you don't understand what I am doing here, please watch my previous youtube video about Cheat Engine, this is episode 4

episode 1 :
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames

episode 2 :
How To Enable Disable Button Of a Program using Cheat Engine -ForgeByGames

episode 3 :
Cheat Engine Special Trick + How to write a special script when normal AOB fail


For a long times, looking for Base Address is what i know, i don't know script. Looking for Base Address have been taken a lot of my time, from  pointer to pointer, from  pointer to dead end, from  pointer to pointer before it, i am walking in circle a lot of times.
Things change only after i encounter the problem with :  Chicken Invaders 4 Ultimate Omelette , i just don't know how, i search and search the web looking for answer, finally is Chris Fayte @ Cheat The Game  youtube video that help. From that i know Geri, i read and read his articles many times until i understand what he means. (i am a slow learner, my weak point)
Now i know script, assembly code, and some special trick. I am still learning because i am just touching the surface, there a lot more i don't know : LUA , C++, VB , C# , JAVA , so on  ..........

Ok, enough of my past, back to Pointers, Base Address, Multilevel Pointers
Base Address is the root of pointers,
 and pointer is pointing to the value you want to change or keep.

simple Level 1 pointers :  Base Address --> pointer --> game value (dynamic Address). 


For multilever pointers :  Base Address --> pointer --> pointer --> pointer --> pointer --> pointer --> game value.   (some games have Lv7 + multilever pointers, what a trouble maker)


With Base Address there are tons ways to use it, the problem is : finding it is hard, very hard sometimes, worse is can't found it  in some of my past record.


 simply said to myself : "you did it, after all these years, you finally found the answer"

After watching video made by FreeER atubeacct at YouTube,
  Cheat Engine Manually Finding Multilevel Pointers

I figure out this special trick to easily find the Base Address, after doing many camparing.
FreeER atubeacct have said it there are relationships between pointers, and i do found many of them; but i have give myself a mission, find the easiest way. Yes, i have found it after many try and fail.

click here to  Subscribe my  Youtube channel
Forge By Games ,  ForgeByGames


if you don't understand what I am doing here, please watch my previous youtube video about Cheat Engine, this is episode 4

episode 1 :
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames

episode 2 :
How To Enable Disable Button Of a Program using Cheat Engine -ForgeByGames

episode 3 :
Cheat Engine Special Trick + How to write a special script when normal AOB fail


note to myself and you that reading this line. Base Address always will be static, so the final target search must be something that have ****.exe+??? ; if not, you must have been overlook it ; -ff is -255 , maybe the base address is just at -33 or somethings, so just check each   Find Assembly code  result start from top to bottom, the final target is in one of them. -ff can be expand to  -6ff ,  -ffff  or what you think it should; or reduce to  -6f ,  -cf or what you think it should.

For all of you that are still reading this. Thank You !

Special Thanks to FreeER atubeacct
he have been helping me since the 1st Cheat Engine video :
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames

Thank you All !
    Forge By Games # ForgeByGames

Because of the Cheat Engine 6.6 Tutorial Step 8 is how i learn the trick to find the start point and end point of games address, then enable the next button. And the trick i use here : a special and fast way to Base Address through comparing multilever pointers.
I was looking for a way to solve the multilevel pointers test by using AOB Script.
Eventually, i fail and fail again, but this is not a total lost, i have learn new tricks.
But, I still trying Cheat Engine 6.6 Tutorial Step 8 - Multilevel Pointers can it be solve using AOB Script ?
Any help is welcome.
Still hoping for a AOB Script that can change the value to 5000 after the pointer change and before the 3 second end.........   and  a way to change the countdown from 3 seconds to 3 minutes or somethings less or more....
For anyone out there, if you know how, please let me know. I want to learn.


  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames  - Cheat Engine Tutorial series
episode 1 :
How To Find start point and End point of a program using Cheat Engine - ForgeByGames

episode 2 :
How To Enable Disable Button Of a Program using Cheat Engine -ForgeByGames

episode 3 :
Cheat Engine Special Trick + How to write a special script when normal AOB fail

episode 4 :
Forge By Games -Easy find Base Address of Multilevel Pointers special trick using Cheat Engine

episode 5 :
Forge By Games - using 4 Bytes Unknow Search to hack most of the games with Cheat Engine

episode 6 :
Forge By Games - Find out the relationship between value in Cheat Engine -part 1


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  Forge By Games  # ForgeByGames

Cheat Engine

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Saturday, 4 March 2017

my thanks to Cheat Engine and Dark Byte (3)

Cheat Engine Forum is working again! Yay!

Today is a good day !

Before this, i am very sad about what happen at , recently  it have been targeted by the big company from the game industry (Seems like its due to copyright claims by Bethesda, claiming Cheat Engine is violating the works of companies like Bethesda ect...) [you know the big one can name any reasons]
giving Dark Byte the admin and creator of Cheat Engine such a Big problem.
Read  more here
{ the site cannot work correctly at that time due to DDos atack }
Besides an amplified DDoS attack also a 'Notice of Infringment' from a representative of  Bethesda and others.  (is this coincidence ? ................ )

Dark Byte , my thanks to you for all your hard work, i hope all the problem have ben solved.

i am releasing a series of all i learn from , since it working now i think this will be the final part.
Forge By Games # ForgeByGames

this is the 3rd post i learn

all credit go to , all these from
{ this site was down due to DDos atack and the other trouble stuff, now it working fine}

writen by
Grandmaster Cheater Supreme

Invincibility Code Fixes (Segregating Players/Enemies)

{ You get no damage while your enemies still get damage }

In many cases with making code patches (AOB scripts, injection, what-have-you) for games, the
simplest way to go about making invincibility for the player is to find the code that damages the
player and disable it in one way or another. However for a number of games this will also make
enemies invincible (or whatever the code effect is) and this is undesirable.

This guide will show you three main methods to solve this problem in order of ease. I will be using
Rogue Legacy as the example game and focusing on invincibility, but the basic concepts used here
can apply to almost any other game and code situation. This guide also assumes that you know
the basics of making code edits with CE, otherwise you wouldn't be having this issue.

1 - Target Unique Reads
The basic problem with invincibility codes making monsters invincible too is that the code is shared,
the code you targeted affects all "players" or "entities" or whatever, so when you edit the code it
changes the effect for everything that the code runs on.

So instead of neutering the code that edits your health, take a different approach. Find some
code that reads just your own health, and then edit that code so it also sets your health to full
constantly, overriding other changes to it.

The first thing to do is, as usual, find your health address. This time right-click it and find what
accesses the address. Run around, hit, and be hit by other enemies for a few seconds and
then stop the logging. Check out the instructions, chances are there will be a lot of them.

For this type of case, we want to find one of the codes that's running all the time. It could be a
number of different functions to do this, such as the code that reads your HP in order to draw or
update the health bar on-screen, or code that constantly checks your HP to determine if you died.

We have two opcodes that ran a lot during the short test (the first two), so either of them should
work fine. We'll choose the first one for simplicity here. Click it and click "Show Disassembler"
as usual to bring it up in the memory browser window. The first thing to do is to make sure that
it's an opcode you know enough to edit or overwrite.

If so, then the next step is to make sure that the code only works on us. Right-click the highlighted
line and choose "Find what addresses this code accesses" to bring up a new logging window.

"But Rydian, this is a .NET game, if you click th-" Shhhh. This is a general tutorial so we shouldn't
be relying on things like that which won't give any info for other games. Just follow along as if
the data collector didn't exist because for most games it doesn't and you need to guess+test.

You should run around, hitting other monsters, getting hit, and repeating "SCIENCE HERE, MAKE
WAY FOR SCIENCE HAPPENING" while testing to see if the code edits other addresses. Then check to see if the targeted opcode works on just player data or the data of other things too.

In this case the targeted opcode only reads our health so we're good. In your case if it reads more,
then you'll want to check out other opcodes that do constant reads in order to find one that works.

Anyways once you have code that reads your address and only your address, you can edit it to
overwrite the value what whatever you want depending on what your goal is. Just because the
original purpose was to read doesn't mean you can't tell it to also write, you know.

So like that the game will constantly refill your health, and only do it to your health.

2 - Hack A Different Mechanic
While normally the fastest and most direct method to avoid taking damage in games is to neuter
the function that subtracts from your health, there's other mechanics you can focus on as well.
One of my favorites is "mercy invincibility" and that's what this will focus on. There's other mechanics you can focus on as well if you think outside of the box, but this is often simple enough.

This is a concept in many games where, after getting hit, you have a brief period where you can't
get hit again (a mechanic intended to prevent stunlock on the player). Usually during this period
you'll be flashing or faded out or something, and enemies won't be able to harm you (and in many
cases won't even collide with you). Since this is a mechanic originally designed to prevent
annoyance for the player, this tends to be a mechanic that only applies to the player you're
controlling so that means it will rarely run into the issues that health codes can run into.

So since mercy invincibility lasts a specific amount of time, there must be a value to keep track of it
and game code to set, count down, and check that value. There should also be code that checks to
see if the player is invincible or not when trying to hurt him. So there's two ways to go about this.

For both of the methods, depending on the game you may find it useful to be able to pause and resume the game quickly. If you go into Cheat Engine's settings, in the hotkey settings you can set hotkeys for speedhack values. I tend to set one hotkey for speed 0 and another for speed 1. This means I can press one hotkey to "pause" the game and a second hotkey to resume. This gives plenty of time to scan for short-lived timer values or flags for mercy invincibility. 

In this case we'll search for a value that increases when you get hit, and then decreases as the timer for invincibility wears off (and then raises again when you get hit). After some time spent searching, the value has been found!

So there's two ways we could approach this. The first method would be to find what writes to that address and find the code that's responsible for making it count down. This is what I tend to do when I want a quick-and-easy invincibility code, because it's a simple process to find the timer and disable it. So here I ran around and got hit twice, and allowed the timer to count down twice.

And the targeted code is the one we need. It's the one that reduces the timer repeatedly until it's empty, so if you edit that code to no longer write the edited value then once you get hit the first time your invincibility shouldn't wear off anymore. Yayyyy.

Now, what if we wanted to, instead, change the logic? With the quick-and-easy invulnerability code, the player still needs to get hit once to activate it. To see another method of doing it, find what accesses that address and you'll see some comparisons and stuff.

Now there's three of them here, and it's not immediately obvious which is the one we want. One of them might be just for the visual effect, one of them might be a check for setting it off instead of on, etc. So here is where you just need to guess and test. The middle one is the one that fires off when you get hit and it turns on, so that's the correct one in this case and it's the one I'll be targeting. Looking at it... 

So it seems to be comparing the invincibility value to 0, and if it's higher than 0 it jumps to some other code instead (JG = "Jump if Greater"). If you edit the jg to be jmp instead, then it will always jump to the other code, so when you contact a monster it'll always think you're invincible and won't damage you! So this is a secondary method of getting invulnerability, editing the check instead of the write.

Now... a different method for invincibility could be to find the code dealing with an "invulnerable" flag.
This will generally be a byte value (but it could be something different of course) and in most cases will be 1 or 0. It could either be "1 for invincible" or "1 for attackable", so check both ways. Get hit, pause the game (either normally or with speedhack) while invulnerable and scan, do a different scan when it wears off, etc. Depending on the game you may have to do an unknown initial value scan and scan for differences.

However in the case of Rogue Legacy, it seems that it only uses the invincibility timer. So instead of the game checking for an invincibility flag, the code checks to see if the timer has any time left in it in order to determine if you're invincible or not. Rogue Legacy isn't the only game that does this, so if the quick and easy invincibility flag search didn't work, you may need to do the above timer method.

3 - Check The Player Structure
This is one of the more traditional ways of using injection to get invincibility for just the player. However it also requires learning more about the game (specifically the entity structure for it) in order to use it effectively, so since it needs more research and work and custom assembly it's the third method listed.

The basic idea is to have the game do a check like "is this a player or an enemy?" by comparing values, and then either continue with the code to cause damage if it's an enemy, or skip over it if it's the player.

This method involves looking at the structure for entities in the game and comparing two instances (which will generally be the player versus an enemy) to find differences. To be able to look at and compare the structures, we should first find the base address of the player structure. To put it simply, for this example it's the player's health minus the health offset. So let's say my current health address in a certain run is 0368A400 and the offset (code that writes/accesses will show this) is +118. Doing some hex math returns 0368A2E8 as the base address for the player. Remember that putting the Windows calculator into scientific mode presents you with a hex selection box you can use to do hex math.

Now that we know the base address of the player, we should open the structure dissect window. In the
memory viewer (CTRL+B), go to Tools - Dissect data/structures. In the new window enter the base
address for the player's data into the box at the upper-left and choose Structure - Define New Structure.

Give it a name like Player (for .NET games like Rogue Legacy it offers to use the actual structure name) and if you're doing this on a different game you'll be asked for a size (the default works) and whether CE should try to auto-fill some of the data (yes). When that's all done you should see a bunch of stats or whatever for the structure you chose. Since this is a .NET game we have it easy and it's all mapped out for us already, but with most games it'll be unlabeled best-guess entries.

The next thing to do is to find the base address... of an enemy. So for this you should find the address
to their health and then subtract the offset (118 for this example) from it. For my run I got an enemy
with a health address of 226F5AD0, so that enemy structure's base address would be 226F59B8. Back in the structure window, go to File - Add extra address. A second text box should pop up next to the first one, put the enemy's base address in here. Then the display should show both data sets.

Green addresses are the same for both the player and enemy, red addresses are different. So using
this display, we can try to figure out which pieces of data (offsets) would be good for a comparison to
determine if the target is the player or an enemy. Again, in .NET games like Rogue Legacy we're
granted a big benefit in that the offsets are labeled and stuff. For other games you'll have to poke
around, see what other things in the structure you can find, and guess+test.

For this tutorial we'll just pretend we poked around a lot and found offset +104 (StepUp) and it seems
to always be the same value for the player (10) but different for enemies. Make sure to check what type of value it is, in this case it's 4byte, gotta' remember that. So now you'll want to go back to making a generic template script for the health code. Find the code that writes health when hit like usual, and when you tell CE to generate the template the code: section should look something like this.

What we want to do is add a check (comparison, cmp) to see if some values are as expected (if the target is the player), and if it's equal skip (je) past the original line of code and jump back to where it continues.

So the first line added is the comparison. Notice how it says "dword" after the cmp? This is to tell AA
how much memory to read and compare. It's very important to note the right size there, because if the
offset in the structure is 1 byte and you're reading 4, the comparison is bound to have false failures.

1 byte = "byte"
2 bytes = "word"
4 bytes = "dword"
8 bytes = "qword"

When it comes to float ("dword") or double ("qword") values, you can do exact comparisons (je or jne).
However doing greater/lesser comparisons may be a bit more complex and/or involve more code. 

Also notice that even though I said the value of StepUp is 10 for the player, it checks against A. Remember that AA interprets things as hexadecimal values by default!

The second line is je (jump if equal) to the return location that CE sets up when the script executes.

Anyways, now that the script checks part of the structure against the known value for the player, the code should properly grant you immunity to damage while still letting monsters get damaged. So yay, done!

This guide just covers the basics with a simple example, and if you run into other situations it's expected that you know at least a little assembly since this type of thing usually needs a good understanding of what the game is doing and such. 

Grandmaster Cheater Supreme

it will be a big lost, if you gone!
I am so HAPPY that you back, Working FINE !
Great Site!

Forge By Games # ForgeByGames

Friday, 3 March 2017

my thanks to Cheat Engine and Dark Byte (2)

i am very sad about what happen at , it have been targeted by the big company from the game industry (Seems like its due to copyright claims by Bethesda, claiming Cheat Engine is violating the works of companies like Bethesda ect...) [you know the big one can name any reasons]
giving Dark Byte the admin and creator of Cheat Engine such a Big problem.
Read  more here
{ the site don't work correctly for now due to DDos atack and other trouble stuff, hope it just temporary}
Besides an amplified DDoS attack also a 'Notice of Infringment' from a representative of  Bethesda and others.  (is this coincidence ? ................ )

Dark Byte , my thanks to you for all your hard work, i hope the problem will only be temporary.

i am releasing a series of all i learn from

i just have some post that i have read and understand, hopefully other of you will post some more.
And please let me know where it is!
Forge By Games # ForgeByGames

this is the 2nd post i learn

all credit go to , all these from
{ the site don't work correctly for now due to DDos atack and the other trouble stuff, hope it just temporary}

writen by
Grandmaster Cheater Supreme

Pointer Scanner + Injection Copies + AOB To Data -Cheat Engine Guides

Making your table have the right addresses each time without having to re-scan every time you run
the game is something everybody wants, but a lot of people aren't sure how it's done. Finding the
game's native pointer path for the value you want to keep track of is the traditional way, but just
because it's traditional doesn't mean it's the best. In fact with how complex games are getting and
how many of them are being written in dynamically-managed languages nowadays (with some games
actually getting compiled in RAM each launch), a lot of games don't even have native pointer paths
built off of static base addresses anymore
and the traditional pointer-finding method fails.

So I'm going to show you three modern techniques to make your table re-find the data for you each run.
For this tutorial I will be using the game Rogue Legacy as it's written in .NET and thus benefits from this.

- Pointer Scanner
Cheat Engine has a pointer scanner function now that's capable of finding all sorts of pointer paths
that the traditional methods won't find. It's fairly easy to use too. The first thing you're going to want
to do is the same as in any hack, and that is to scan the game to find what the current address of a
value is. In this case I'll go for health. Once you have that value found and it's in your table, right-click
it and choose one of the Find What ... This Address options.

Tip: I recommend you use "accesses" when possible, but in many cases "accesses" will be really slow
(for example when looking at coordinates) so choose "writes" if "accesses" is slowing things down.

Once Cheat Engine is logging what happens to our health address, I'm going to run around like a ninny
and get hit a few times and then look at the log window and see what popped up. In this case we're
trying to find the offset for health.

In this case it's pretty obvious that the offset is +118. You'll use this info to narrow down the pointer
searches. What you want to do now is Stop and Close that (bottom-right button) and then go back to
the normal address list. Right-click the health address you found and choose to run the Pointer Scanner.
When you do you'll see something like this pop up.

See the red highlighted parts? You're going to want to tell it to only keep results that end with a
certain offset, and then tell it that the final offset is 118 (because that's what we saw earlier).
The other two things you may want to change are the maximum offset (in this box it's decimal!)
and the depth. Generally the newer and more complex the game is, the bigger the max offset and
depths you may need to go. I recommend starting with an offset of 1024 and a depth of 4 for most
games, and if that ends in failure after a rescan then raise the values and try again. Anyways for
this game I'm using for an example, what's shown in the screen should be fine.

When you start the scan, it'll have you save the scan results somewhere. I recommend you choose a
place other than where your cheat tables are. I personally just made a "pointer scans" folder inside
the cheat table folder. Name the scan whatever you like. The scanning process can take from a minute
to an hour or more depending on the offset/depth...

So I recommend you have some Youtube videos or something to do in the meantime. Once it's done
with the initial scan you should see the results. Just like with a normal scan, the first set of results will
be the biggest, don't be scared by the number of results. What I recommend you do now is close the
game and restart it. Get back to where you were before, and scan for your health address, right-click it,
and open the pointer scanner. But this time, close the main popup window because you'll want to open
the previous scan results and work from there.

Simply put in the new address and let it filter the scan down. You could also simply give it the current
value instead of the address and let it work off of that, and while that is less work, it's also less precise,
as in it won't filter out as many bad pointers as specifying the new address itself will filter out.

Do a couple of rescans until you've narrowed it down to the point that it stops dropping tons of pointers
each scan. Unlike scanning for memory addresses normally, when doing pointer scans you will often
end up with a bunch of different pointers that work. Just like in life, there's many paths that can lead
to the same result
, so don't expect the pointer scanner to go down to just 1-3 options like with normal
scans, because with many games you'll be left with 100 or more, all functional.

- Injection Copies
If pointer scanning isn't your thing or it's taking too long for you, a much faster method is to inject some
code that will copy the base address of the structure for us. As you saw in the above method, by looking
at code that reads/writes the address you can often find an offset. If you're looking for something like
player health, generally other stats like the player's mana and strength or whatever will be in the same
structure. You can try to find these addresses normally and see if they're very close or similar, if they're
very close to eachother (~1024 +/-) than you can usually be assured that they're in the same structure.

So the basic idea is to find some code that works on something in the structure, and then edit that code
a bit to make it copy the right data for us every time.
The first obstacle will be to find code that only
affects the structure you want. For Rogue Legacy, let's find our health value, find what accesses it (as
before you may need writes instead if accesses brings up way too many things), then once you have some
functions there click Stop. Pick one of the instructions that has something like "eax+00000188" in it.
Basically you'll want a function that works off of a register plus an offset, so we know that it deals
with the base address of the data we want. Once you see an acceptable target, click one of the functions
and then click the "Show Disassembler" button to open the memory viewer at the right location.

So at the time that target code executes, ebx+00000118 is our health value. This means that ebx contains
the base address of the player structure and +0x118 bytes from that is the health value. So if we can edit
this script to constantly copy the value of ebx out for us, we can have a "pointer" to the player's health
address (and any other stats in the structure) that won't break across restarts!

Anyways as you see in the screenshot, this will show the game's code that's In the disassembler window,
and now we want to see if that target code works off of just the data we want (which is good) or if it's a
shared/global function that works for lots of different things (we don't want that in this case). Right-click
the code and click "Find what addresses this instruction accesses" and you'll see a new window.

Play the game some more and do various things, and check back on that window now and then. If it only
shows one address as being accessed (which is in this case our health address) then you're good. However
if it shows multiple addresses as being accessed, then that's not a decent target for this technique and you
will want to target something else. Preferably something that's either unique to the player (such as MP if
enemies don't have MP limits) or something that's only displayed for you and not the enemies (like some
of your stats or something).

So once you've found code and you're certain it only affects the address you're targeting and has the right
notation in it (register+offset so we know it knows about the base address), it's time to actually write the
script for it. With the line of code highlighted in the disassembler, press CTRL+A and that should open the
Auto Assembler window. In there go to Template - Cheat Table Framework Code, and then click
Template - AOB Injection. Click okay on the address it asks for (by default it'll use the address of the
line that was highlighted when you opened the AA window), and when it asks for a name you should give
it something short and descriptive. In our case we're targeting code that reads HP, so here I chose

After accepting that, you'll see the injection script template that CE has generated. After erasing the
comments and spacing (I do that just so I don't have to scroll all the time), it'd look something like this.

Now in order to tell this script to additionally copy the base address for our use, we'll add just two lines to it.

The first line, the globalalloc() function, is shorthand for allocating some memory and registering a label to
it globally for other scripts and things to use. The first argument is the name for the label. Personally I
pick something like _xbase because I try to use an underscore to mark things exposed for the table, and I try
to name the base address value copies something meaningful. The second argument is the number of bytes
to allocate. For 32-bit programs and things using less than 4GB of RAM, in most cases you'll only need 4

The second addition is what tells the game to actually copy the base address for us. In almost all cases
it's as simple as telling AA to do "move, into the value of the allocated memory, the contents of the register".
Replace the register with whatever one is actually used with the offset in the original code, of course.

The idea is that when this script is turned on, the code that you targeted will also copy the base address of that
structure to the allocated memory each time. And this memory has a label that we can use in the table to
reference it. So after adding those lines to your script, go to File - Assign To Current Cheat Table.
Do not click "Execute".

Now that script should be an entry in your cheat table. You'll probably want to close the AA window and then
rename the script copy in the table or something. You should be able to check it, and it should enable. Then
to actually see the fruit of your labor and use the results of that script, in CE's upper portion click the
"Add address manually" button. In there, you can use either the pointer syntax or manually type in the base
and offset like [_playerbase]+118.

Yup, there we go, as long as that script is turned on the game will be copying the base address of the player
structure for our use, and we can pull up anything in that structure with that syntax. So you can keep finding
stats in that structure, and then with one script the game will always tell you the right addresses!

- AOB To Data
So you may have a structure (set of stats/options) that you want to target, but in some situations pointer
scanning and injection just aren't feasible options. You may be working with a game running in an
interpreted environment (flash, web browser, scripting) or one that updates quite often and the code
changes while the data you're targeting stays mostly the same. In these cases and more, you can create a
scan right to the data structure you need instead and have CE fill in the rest of the addresses for you.

So, going on the same example as above, finding the health address and it's offset. You're going to want
to do to two things with that offset. You're going to want to write it down for later (write something like
"+118 = health" in notepad) and you're going to want to take your health address and subtract 118 from
it in hex. The default Windows calculator program can operate in hex if you put it in scientific mode first.

Once you have your health address with 118 (in hex) subtracted from it, that's the address to the
start of the player/character structure
. Back in CE, click Add Address Manually and put in that
address. The type doesn't really matter, but I tend to make it binary so that it stands out visually in
the address list. I did it here and named it Player Structure Start, though a name isn't really needed.

Now you're going to want to click that address and press CTRL+B to open the Memory Browser. You
should see a new window, and the bottom half will be divided into three sections, like the screenshot.
You're probably going to want to resize the Memory Browser window until the middle section measures
16 bytes/pairs across, like in the screenshot.

The left section is the starting address of each row, the middle of the actual RAM contents in Hexadecimal,
and the last row is the RAM contents expressed in ASCII. For this we want to focus on the middle section.
Click and drag in the middle section to select the first three rows or so. For some games just the first two
will do, for others you may need 5-7 rows, but for Rogue Legacy 3 is all we'll need. Once you have the
rows selected, press CTRL+C to copy them and then go and paste them into Notepad or something, making
sure to add back in the line breaks.

Then you'll want to close the game, start it back up, and do this again, copying another sample of what that
data looks like. I recommend doing things like loading in different characters and settings and a few
restarts just to make sure you have a wide range of samples. Here's four I picked up for this example.

A8 1E 17 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 88 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

A8 1E E3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 88 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

A8 1E 6B 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 87 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

A8 1E 75 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 75 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

What you're going to want to do is compare all the data samples you have, and for the digits that don't
match on them, replace them with a question joe. For for this example, the signature for my data is...

A8 1E ?? 0? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 ?? ??
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

Now that you have your data signature to the player base, it's time to make the script that will scan for it.
Go back to the memory browser and in it, press CTRL+A to open the Auto Assemble window. Paste this.

aobscan(player, A8 1E ?? 0? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00)



Of course replace the example signature with the one you've made. I'm using "player" for the labels here
but if you're searching for another type of data replace the label with whatever other human-readable tag
you feel like. Then go to File -> Add To Current Cheat Table. Do NOT click "execute". Once it's been
added to the table, you can open it and edit/okay it from within there safely.

If you can click to check that script and it checks (it may take a second or two while it scans), then you're
good to continue. If it does not check by the time CE starts responding again, then that means it could
not find a match for the signature so you should double-check on that.

So what was all this signature work for anyways? Well, now's the time to see the fruits of your labor.
Remember how I had you note down what the health address was? Well, go to add an address manually
and for the address, type _player+118 (or whatever the health offset is). That's right, CE will understand
what you mean and when you run the script and it finds the player structure start and assigns it the label
of _player, any other addresses that work off of that will have it filled in. So let's say I added mana too.

Then I check the script and...

Bam, the table did the scan and finding and assigning for me so I don't need to scan for those values
manually any more. All you have to know is a signature for the structure and the offsets, and you can
make a scan like this. When it breaks, generally you only need to update the signature being scanned
for and the rest will fix itself. Feel free to keep scanning and adding offsets!

LF2005 wrote:

aobscan(player, A8 1E ?? 0? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00)



you didn't explained this code
isn't there a mistake, it seems that you call for the scanner to the label player, then you declare a label _player & register the Symbol _player, then initialize player & _player, and in the end finalize _player

is possibly to make more parameters ?
_player is what's used and referenced in the table itself, outside of the script.

If you mean making the script find two different structures, then chances are making two separate scripts would be best as game updates might change one and not the other.

[quote="Rydian"][size=16][b]- Foreword[/b][/size]
Making your table have the right addresses each time without having to re-scan every time you run
the game is something everybody wants, but a lot of people aren't sure how it's done. Finding the
game's native pointer path for the value you want to keep track of is the traditional way, but just
because it's traditional doesn't mean it's the best. In fact with how complex games are getting and
how many of them are being written in dynamically-managed languages nowadays (with some games
actually getting compiled in RAM each launch), [i]a lot of games don't even have native pointer paths
built off of static base addresses anymore[/i] and the traditional pointer-finding method fails.

So I'm going to show you two modern techniques to make your table re-find the data for you each run.
For this tutorial I will be using the game Rogue Legacy as it's written in .NET and so benefits from this.

[size=16][b]- Pointer Scanner[/b][/size]
Cheat Engine has a pointer scanner function now that's capable of finding all sorts of pointer paths
that the traditional methods won't find. It's fairly easy to use too. The first thing you're going to want
to do is the same as in any hack, and that is to scan the game to find what the current address of a
value is. In this case I'll go for health. Once you have that value found and it's in your table, right-click
it and choose one of the Find What ... This Address options.


[i]Tip: I recommend you use "accesses" when possible, but in many cases "accesses" will be really slow
(for example when looking at coordinates) so choose "writes" if "accesses" is slowing things down.[/i]

Once Cheat Engine is logging what happens to our health address, I'm going to run around like a ninny
and get hit a few times and then look at the log window and see what popped up. In this case we're
trying to find the offset for health.


In this case it's pretty obvious that the offset is +118. You'll use this info to narrow down the pointer
searches. What you want to do now is Stop and Close that (bottom-right button) and then go back to
the normal address list. Right-click the health address you found and choose to run the Pointer Scanner.
When you do you'll see something like this pop up.


See the red highlighted parts? You're going to want to tell it to only keep results that end with a
certain offset, and then tell it that the final offset is 118 (because that's what we saw earlier).
The other two things you may want to change are the maximum offset (in this box it's decimal!)
and the depth. Generally the newer and more complex the game is, the bigger the max offset and
depths you may need to go. I recommend starting with an offset of 1024 and a depth of 4 for most
games, and if that ends in failure after a rescan then raise the values and try again. Anyways for
this game I'm using for an example, what's shown in the screen should be fine.

When you start the scan, it'll have you save the scan results somewhere. I recommend you choose a
place other than where your cheat tables are. I personally just made a "pointer scans" folder inside
the cheat table folder. Name the scan whatever you like. The scanning process can take from a minute
to an hour or more depending on the offset/depth...


So I recommend you have some Youtube videos or something to do in the meantime. Once it's done
with the initial scan you should see the results. Just like with a normal scan, the first set of results will
be the biggest, don't be scared by the number of results. What I recommend you do now is close the
game and restart it. Get back to where you were before, and scan for your health address, right-click it,
and open the pointer scanner. But this time, close the main popup window because you'll want to open
the previous scan results and work from there.




Simply put in the new address and let it filter the scan down. You could also simply give it the current
value instead of the address and let it work off of that, and while that is less work, it's also less precise,
as in it won't filter out as many bad pointers as specifying the new address itself will filter out.

Do a couple of rescans until you've narrowed it down to the point that it stops dropping tons of pointers
each scan. Unlike scanning for memory addresses normally, when doing pointer scans you will often
end up with a bunch of different pointers that work. [b]Just like in life, there's many paths that can lead
to the same result[/b], so don't expect the pointer scanner to go down to just 1-3 options like with normal
scans, because with many games you'll be left with 100 or more, all functional.

[size=16][b]- AOB To Data[/b][/size]
Sometimes pointers just aren't an option. You may be working with a game running in an interpreted
environment (flash, web browser, scripting) or one that updates quite often and data tends to shift
around like it has a mind of it's own. In these cases and more, you can create a scan right to the
structure you need and have CE fill in the rest of the addresses for you.

So, going on the same example as above, finding the health address and it's offset. You're going to want
to do to two things with that offset. You're going to want to write it down for later (write something like
"+118 = health" in notepad) and you're going to want to take your health address and subtract 118 from
it. The default Windows calculator program can operate in hex if you put it in scientific mode first.


Once you have your health address with 118 (in hex) subtracted from it, [i]that's the address to the
start of the player/character structure[/i]. Back in CE, click Add Address Manually and put in that
address. The type doesn't really matter, but I tend to make it binary so that it stands out visually in
the address list. I did it here and named it Player Structure Start, though a name isn't really needed.


Now you're going to want to click that address and press CTRL+B to open the Memory Browser. You
should see a new window, and the bottom half will be divided into three sections, like the screenshot.
You're probably going to want to resize the Memory Browser window until the middle section measures
16 bytes/pairs across, like in the screenshot.


The left section is the starting address of each row, the middle of the actual RAM contents in Hexadecimal,
and the last row is the RAM contents expressed in ASCII. For this we want to focus on the middle section.
Click and drag in the middle section to select the first three rows or so. For some games just the first two
will do, for others you may need 5-7 rows, but for Rogue Legacy 3 is all we'll need. Once you have the
rows selected, press CTRL+C to copy them and then go and paste them into Notepad or something, making
sure to add back in the line breaks.

Then you'll want to close the game, start it back up, and do this again, copying another sample of what that
data looks like. I recommend doing things like loading in different characters and settings and a few
restarts just to make sure you have a wide range of samples. Here's four I picked up for this example.

[code]A8 1E 17 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 88 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

A8 1E E3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 88 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

A8 1E 6B 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 87 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

A8 1E 75 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 75 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00[/code]
What you're going to want to do is compare all the data samples you have, and for the digits that don't
match on them, replace them with a question joe. For for this example, the signature for my data is...

[code]A8 1E ?? 0? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 ?? ??
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00[/code]

Now that you have your data signature to the player base, it's time to make the script that will scan for it.
Go back to the memory browser and in it, press CTRL+A to open the Auto Assemble window. Paste this.

aobscan(player, A8 1E ?? 0? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00)


Of course replace the example signature with the one you've made. I'm using "player" for the labels here
but if you're searching for another type of data replace the label with whatever other human-readable tag
you feel like. Then go to File -> Add To Current Cheat Table. Do NOT click "execute". Once it's been
added to the table, you can open it and edit/okay it from within there safely.

If you can click to check that script and it checks (it may take a second or two while it scans), then you're
good to continue. If it does not check by the time CE starts responding again, then that means it could
not find a match for the signature so you should double-check on that.

So what was all this signature work for anyways? Well, now's the time to see the fruits of your labor.
Remember how I had you note down what the health address was? Well, go to add an address manually
and for the address, type _player+118 (or whatever the health offset is). That's right, CE will understand
what you mean and when you run the script and it finds the player structure start and assigns it the label
of _player, any other addresses that work off of that will have it filled in. So let's say I added mana too.


Then I check the script and...


Bam, the table did the scan and finding and assigning for me so I don't need to scan for those values
manually any more. All you have to know is a signature for the structure and the offsets, and you can
make a scan like this. When it breaks, generally you only need to update the signature being scanned
for and the rest will fix itself. Feel free to keep scanning and adding offsets!


@Rydian my friend programmer maked a program that adds wildcards automatically.

I'm having trouble with the pointer scan. I'm using Cave Story to test this, with the HP address. Checking for access, I get this: 0042133E - 0FBF 0D CEE64900 - movsx ecx,word ptr [Doukutsu.exe+9E6CE]

So I add 9E6CE as offset, leave everything else as it is, and run the scan.. which then returns 0 results. Changing around max offset and level didn't help. What's wrong?
Doukutsu.exe+9E6CE is a static address. If you add it to your address list, it will always show your health without any additional effort.


A8 1E 17 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 12 88 03
00 00 00 00 8F 00 00 00 56 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00

This ^ How'd you get this? the screenshot before it doesn't even show anything similar. Did I miss something?

Also I've skimmed over your other guide with AOB, however there your not getting it from the bottom, but taking them from the bytes in the top half.

So yea I'm really confused here. Please help.

Edit: Apologies, both seem to work. I was simply confused as to why both works.. but well both are byte /facepalm

I can share my own program:

Its coded under VBS (open source) and you can compare more than 2 AoB to get the best wilcard-aob 

I coded an easy tool to generator patters for our AoB scan routines, the script is very simple; you only need to add some array of bytes (min 2, max infinite) and the script will generate a valid pattern, example:

Here is the script:

Just copy&paste the script in a TXT file (notepad) and save it as whatever.vbs 

Set oWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
T = InputBox("Enter array of bytes nº 1:")
T = T & vbcrlf & InputBox("Enter array of bytes nº 2:")
X = 3
While MsgBox("Do you want to introduce another array of bytes?", vbYesNo, "AoB Pattern Generator") = vbYes
        T = T & vbcrlf & InputBox("Enter array of bytes nº " & X &":")
        X = X + 1
AoB = Split(T, vbcrlf)
F = ""
W = 0
X = 0
For i = 1 To Len(AoB(0))
        For u = 1 To UBound(AoB)
                If Mid(AoB(u), i, 1) <> Mid(AoB(0), i, 1) Then
                        F = F & "?"
                        W = W + 1
                        X = 1
                        Exit For
                End If
        If X <> 1 Then F = F & Mid(AoB(0), i, 1)
        X = 0
Set File = oFSO.CreateTextFile("aob.txt")
        File.Write "Original array of bytes:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
        File.Write Replace(T, vbcrlf & vbcrlf, vbcrlf) & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
        File.Write "Total array of bytes: " & UBound(AoB) + 1 & vbcrlf
        File.Write "Total wildcards used: " & W & vbcrlf & vbcrlf
        File.Write "Your AoB Pattern:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & F
'MsgBox F
If MsgBox("AoB Patter Generator finished" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Do you want to open aob.txt file?", vbYesNo, "AoB Pattern Generator") = vbYes Then
        oWSH.Run "notepad.exe aob.txt"
End If

whipsmack wrote:

I'm having trouble with the pointer scan. I'm using Cave Story to test this, with the HP address. Checking for access, I get this: 0042133E - 0FBF 0D CEE64900 - movsx ecx,word ptr [Doukutsu.exe+9E6CE]

So I add 9E6CE as offset, leave everything else as it is, and run the scan.. which then returns 0 results. Changing around max offset and level didn't help. What's wrong?
Cave Story doesn't use pointers for health, it's always a static address there. Same with the + version, which is an update of the original engine. That's why I used a .NET game for this example, 'cause you'll want something that actually does move memory around dynamically.

0vad0z3 wrote:
I have a question about your AOB to Data script, Rydian.

Is it possible to add something onto your script to make more specific, the address I want?

For example we'll use the address "0AD2425C". I want the script to search for the wild carded array of bytes of this address while also searching for the end value of the address, in this case "C".

Or even make the script search around a certain address for the wildcarded array of bytes. Like search around in a 100 bytes parameter of address "0AD2425C" for array of bytes.
I wouldn't know how to do that. In cases where the AOB signature itself is getting more than one result, it generally means that you need to try a different angle or approach if what you're targeting can't be uniquely identified.

Tigerlemur wrote:
So I'm trying to follow along with this tutorial in Medieval Total War 2 for gold (there's already a table, I think, but I'm just doing it to learn). I found the address, I found the offset... Those parts were easy. I got to the quoted step and got these results:


The script didn't work.

I noticed pretty quickly that the codes are really different and I have to put in lots ?s. To be certain I had the offset correct, I checked it each time, and the address -did- allow me to change the gold value in game, so I don't think that's the problem. Are Total War games bad for this? Is there a trick I'm missing in the way it was coded or..?

As a secondary note, I noticed a couple of places that weren't static, but only appeared to change a between two types. The ninth pair only ever was DC or C4. Should I try using that rather than a question mark?

I'd like to learn this method. The pointer scanner can REALLY eat up data sometimes, and bigger games have some reeeaaallly deep multi-level pointers.
In that situation, the memory area you're targeting isn't good for a signature. Try something else that's close to what you're looking at, perhaps something a few lines earlier.

Or, try finding the base of the structure of what you're looking for (like if health is eax+18, target eax).

Grandmaster Cheater Supreme

{ the site don't work correctly for now due to DDos atack and other trouble stuff, hope it just temporary}

i just have some post that i have read and understand, hopefully other of you will post some more.
And please let me know where it is!

Forge By Games # ForgeByGames


FreeER “aka” atubeacct
have share this:

You can use the wayback machine (aka the internet archive) to access some pages including this wonderful guide and the first 6 pages of comments

Hopefully the forum itself being down is just temporary but... there's probably no harm in saving / rehosting (with credit as done here of course) any particularly useful posts/discussions (downloads may not work but at least 5k+ of the cheat tables have been hosted at that would still leave some lua extensions potentially lost in a worst case scenario and many scripts and useful tips from the posts theirselves).

 this link is for
COMPLETE CheatEngine Tutorial(with pictures) UPDATE JAN 2015
  at  my thanks to Cheat Engine and Dark Byte (1)

I am not good at finding link, any link to the old post is welcome.
  Forge By Games # ForgeByGames